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走向世界的艺术大家——陆良民 To the world of art——Liangmin Lu

发布时间:2024-09-27 11:00:02来源:互联网


To the world of art——Liangmin Lu


陆良民  副研究馆员,中国经联会艺术投资专业委员会—陆良民北宋汝窑收藏工作室·具有投资价值艺术品创作示范基地。《中国经贸》杂志封面人物(2024.9.下)。中国通俗文艺研究会理事;中国音乐家协会会员;中国收藏家协会会员;湖南省群众文化学会民族音乐专业委员会会长;湖南省文艺评论家协会音乐评论委员会首届副会长兼秘书长; 历任新田县文化馆馆长,永州市音协副主席等职。曾荣获湖南省文化系统先进个人,记一等功一次,多次记三等功和嘉奖。2023年联合国世界非物质文化遗产保护资金会授予陆良民“传承创新 文化榜样”荣誉称号。欧洲集邮协会、法国邮政、比利时邮政、德国邮政、奥地利邮政为中国艺术名家陆良民在全球公开发行一套以“致敬改革开放45周年暨联合国中文日”为主题的邮票与珍藏册”。2023年7月入选《榜样的力量―新时代杰出华人海外展播》暨美国纽约时代广场大屏展播。中国文联出版社和湖南电子音像出版社分别出版了《中国在飞——陆良民优秀歌曲专辑》等三部音乐专著及环球出版社出版发行的《国之魁宝——瓷韵·玉魂》(陆良民编著)。至今已有800余件(首)音乐作品分别在《人民音乐出版社》《湖南人民出版社》《中国音乐》《音乐创作》《乐府新声》《歌曲》《儿童音乐》《湘江歌声》《音乐教育与创作》和湖南卫视、湖南经视,福建及湖南人民广播电台等数10家刊物、媒体刊载和演播。其中100余首(件)作品分别在全国和省级各类重大文化艺术活动中荣获一、二、三等奖。代表作品:1、歌词《小山泉》《你把爱心播满山村》。2、歌曲《中国在飞》《中国的秋天》《美丽中国》《浏阳河姑娘》《醉了瑶山》《神奇的女书》《打糍粑》《背篓街》等;3、舞蹈音乐《长鼓瑶》《春·秋》等;4、器乐曲:古筝独奏《潇湘音画》,竹笛独奏《潇湘随想》等;5、音乐论文:在瑶歌理论研究上取得了重大突破,首次提出并命名了“回音式”“环扣式”“环扣锁定式”“尾字搭腔式”等瑶歌特殊句法结构的学术术名和“五声性综合七声调式”“大二度和声交配功能体系”的多种瑶歌新理论及瑶族民歌衬词的特性。撰写的学术论文《瑶族民歌(拉发)的句法结构》《湘南瑶歌(拉发)调式初探》《湘南瑶歌的衬词特点》《瑶族长鼓舞及其音乐特色》《论土瑶瑶歌》《江华“梧州瑶歌”初探》《新田音乐活动的产生与发展》等分别荣获“世界学术贡献奖”论文金奖;国际优秀论文奖;文化部“中国世纪英才业绩与论著征集评选”二等奖;中国艺术研究院“共和国社会主义文学艺术五十年研讨会”二等奖;湖南省群文理论评选一、二等奖和《发现》杂志2004优秀学术成果一等奖等。6、音乐评论《特色与韵味在于新的求索——论童声合唱套曲(军微与红领巾)的音乐创作》载《湖南音乐与音乐家——获奖论文集》,荣获第二届中国湖南金旋律音乐节论文评选银奖;《论大型声乐套曲〈张家界大合唱〉的音乐创作》载《尹晓星选集——美在超越卷》;论大型交响叙事组歌《苗寨的故事》的音乐特色,载《音乐教育与创作》(2022年2期)等。是一位集作词、作曲、理论研究、音乐评论于一身的全能型音乐家。其业绩己被《世界名人录》《中国当代艺术界名人录》《中国音乐家辞典》《湖南省文艺家名录》《湖南当代音乐史》等国內、外20多部大型人物辞书收录。

Liangmin Lu, Deputy research librarian, Art Investment Professional Committee of China Economic Federation - Lu Liangmin Northern Song Ru Kiln Collection Studio - Art creation demonstration base with investment value. Cover figure of "China Economy and Trade" magazine (2024.9. 2). Director of China Popular Literature and Art Research Association; Member of Chinese Musicians Association; Member of China Collectors Association; Chairman of the National Music Professional Committee of Hunan Mass Culture Society; The first Vice President and Secretary General of Music Criticism Committee of Hunan Literary and Art Critics Association; He has served as director of Xintian County Cultural Center and vice chairman of Yongzhou City Music Association. He has won the advanced individual of Hunan Province cultural system, recorded first class merit once, and recorded third class merit and commendation many times. In 2023, the United Nations Fund for the Protection of the World Intangible Cultural Heritage awarded Lu Liangmin the honorary title of "Cultural Model of inheritance and Innovation". The European Philatelic Association, France Post, Belgium Post, Deutsche Post and Austria Post issued a set of stamps and collections on the theme of "Paying tribute to the 45th Anniversary of Reform and Opening Up and United Nations Chinese Language Day" for Chinese artist Lu Liangmin. In July 2023, he was selected into the "The Power of Example - Outstanding Chinese Overseas Exhibition in the New Era" and the big screen exhibition in Times Square, New York, USA. China Literary Association Publishing House and Hunan Electronic Audio and Video Publishing House have published three music monographs, including "China is Flying - Lu Liangmin's Excellent Song Album" and "The Country's Treasure - Porcelain Rhyme - Jade Soul" (edited by Lu Liangmin) published by Universal Publishing House. So far, more than 800 music works have been published and performed in 10 publications and media, including People's Music Publishing House, Hunan People's Publishing House, Chinese Music, Music Creation, Yuefu New Sound, Songs, Children's Music, Xiangjiang Singing, Music Education and Creation, and Hunan Satellite TV, Hunan Economic and Television, Fujian and Hunan People's Radio Station. More than 100 of them won the first, second and third prizes in various major cultural and artistic activities at the national and provincial levels. Representative works: 1. Lyrics of "Little mountain Spring" and "You spread love all over the mountain village". 2. Songs "China is Flying", "Autumn of China", "Beautiful China", "Liuyang River Girl", "Drunk Yaoshan", "Magical Nushu", "Ciba", "Basket Street", etc.; 3, dance music "Changguyao", "Spring · Autumn", etc.; 4. Instrumental music: Guzheng solo "Xiaoxiang Music and Painting", bamboo flute solo "Xiaoxiang Thoughts", etc.; 5. Music thesis: Made a major breakthrough in the theoretical research of Yao songs. For the first time, it proposed and named the academic names of Yao songs' special syntactic structures such as "echo", "ring buckle", "ring buckle lock" and "tail word syncing", as well as various new theories of Yao songs such as "pentatonic comprehensive seven-tone mode" and "second-degree harmonic mating function system" and the characteristics of Yao folk song interlining words. The academic papers "The syntax structure of Yao Folk songs (La Fa)", "A Preliminary study on the mode of Yao Songs (La Fa)", "the characteristics of the lining words of Yao Songs in Southern Hunan", "Yao Chang-drum Song and its musical characteristics", "A preliminary study on Jianghua" Wu Zhou Yao Songs ", "The emergence and Development of Xintian Music activities" won the "World Academic Contribution Award" paper gold Medal; International Excellent paper Award; Second prize of "Chinese Century Talents and Works Collection and Selection" by Ministry of Culture; Second Prize of "Fifty Years Seminar on Socialist Literature and Art of the Republic", Chinese National Academy of Arts; The first and second prizes of Hunan Province Group Literature Theory selection and the first prizes of "Discovery" magazine 2004 Excellent academic achievements. 6. Music review "Features and Charm lie in the new search - On the music creation of Children's chorus Cycle (Military and Red Scarf)", "Hunan Music and Musicians - Award-winning Essays", won the second China Hunan Golden Melody Music Festival paper selection silver Award; "On the Music Creation of Large-scale vocal melodies < Zhangjiajie Chorus >" contains "Yin Xiaoxing's Selected Works -- Beauty in Transcendence Volume"; On the musical characteristics of the large-scale symphonic narrative song "The Story of Miao Village", Music Education and Creation (2, 2022), etc. He is a versatile musician who integrates lyricism, composition, theoretical research and music criticism. His achievements have been included in more than 20 large character dictionaries at home and abroad, such as "Who's Who in the World", "Who's Who in the Chinese Contemporary Art World", "Dictionary of Chinese Musicians", "List of Literary Artists in Hunan Province" and "Hunan Contemporary Music History".


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