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走向世界的艺术大家——骆公久 To the world of art——Gongjiu Luo

发布时间:2024-09-27 11:04:01来源:互联网


To the world of art——Gongjiu Luo


骆公久,江苏人,1955年生,自幼爱好书法,半个多世纪努力不懈,醉心于诗书研习创作。从柳公权入手、进而颜欧唐楷、魏碑汉隶、金文甲骨及汉简,范本涉猎广泛,偏爱八大之风。实践虚心求学,受教于罗继祖、王以忱、周昔非、林克胜、甘雨辰、徐本一等名师。获有《中国文联中书协一级书法师职称》、《中国书法家协会会员》、以及中国文联和国家职称审定委员会颁发的《中华人民共和国一级书法师执业资格》证书。获得中国文化学会艺委会主席、牛津艺术学院博士生导师荣誉。并为《感动中国文化人物》主编,入编《世界名人録》、《中国美术年鉴》、《中国当代艺术界名人录》、《二十世纪中国著名书画家》、《中国丝绸大红袍》、《中国美术通史》、《中国书法全集》及《翰墨华章 百年西泠》等六十八部典籍,受聘中央电视台艺术导师,参加《2023奥艺大会线上三维艺术展》、受聘2023年威尼斯国际绘画大赛青少年导师。 有150余家国内大型网站编发了骆公久分别与沈鹏,苏士澍,孙晓云先生以及老画家黄永玉先生合编书画介绍。任中书协主席(名誉)苏士澍先生携书协评审员曾评论骆公久大师的书法是摒弃前路,踏出新道。

Luo Gongjiu, Jiangsu Province, born in 1955, love calligraphy since childhood, more than half a century of unremitting efforts, devoted to the study and creation of poetry. Starting from Liu Gongquan, then Yan Ou Tang Kai, Wei Stele and Han Li, Jin Wen Oracle bone and Han Jian, the model covers a wide range, preferring the eight winds. Practice an open mind to study, taught by Luo Jizu, Wang Yichen, Zhou Xifei, Lin Kesheng, Gan Yuchen, Xu Benyi and other famous teachers. He has obtained the title of first-level Calligrapher of the Book Association of the Chinese Federation of Literature and Art, the Member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, and the Practicing Qualification of First-level Calligraphers of the People's Republic of China issued by the China Federation of Literature and Art and the National Professional Title Examination Committee. He was honored as Chairman of the Art Committee of the Chinese Culture Society and doctoral supervisor of Oxford College of Art. He is also the chief editor of "Moving Chinese Cultural Figures", the editor of "Who's Who in the World", "Yearbook of Chinese Art", "Who's Who in the Contemporary Art Circle of China", "Famous Chinese Painters and calligrapher in the 20th Century", "Chinese Silk Da Hong Robe", "General History of Chinese Art", "Complete Works of Chinese Calligraphy" and "Calligraphy Hua Zhang Hundred Years Xiling", and other 68 classics. Participated in the Online 3D Art Exhibition of 2023 Aoyi Conference, and was hired as the youth mentor of 2023 Venice International Painting Competition. There are more than 150 large domestic websites compiled Luo Gongjiu and Shen Peng, Su Shishu, Sun Xiaoyun and the old painter Huang Yongyu co-edited calligraphy and painting introduction. Mr Su Shishu, Chairman (honorary) of the China Association of Books, and the Association's assessors have commented that Master Luo Gongjiu's calligraphy is a new way to break away from the past.


Appreciation of works




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